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> Конец мира пост-христианских церквей?
Виталий Сардыко
сообщение 14.11.2008, 14:55
Сообщение #1

завсегдатай, второй степени

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Из: Санкт-Петербург. Россия.
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Ну, что кто что думает? Нынешний кризис начало конца пост-христианского мира? Конец процесса начавшегося после второго пришествия? Разрушения "Иерусалимского храма" и разгон "евреев" наших дней? Али как? Только вот куда НГЦ перейдёт из США то? Если что-то там случится?
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сообщение 21.8.2009, 13:30
Сообщение #2


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Из: Христианин
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Точно не можете указать где это вычитали:
"Вспоминаются слова Сведенборга о том, что если мир не примет учение НЦ, то всё превратиться в один большой бардель".
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Васильев Александр
сообщение 22.8.2009, 23:38
Сообщение #3

Священник Новой Господней Церкви

Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 771
Регистрация: 17.3.2006
Из: г. Львов, Украина
Пользователь №: 6

Цитата(Ramaz @ 21.8.2009, 12:30) *


Точно не можете указать где это вычитали:
"Вспоминаются слова Сведенборга о том, что если мир не примет учение НЦ, то всё превратиться в один большой бардель".

Это цитаты вот отсюда:

LETT 26.
26. Letter to Beyer, July 23, 1770

[Copy of a letter to the Universities of Uppsala, Lund, and Abo]

"In a few days I shall depart for Amsterdam in order to publish there a Universal Theology of the New Church, the foundation of which is the worship of the Lord, our Savior; on which foundation if no temple be now built, lupanaria [brothels] will be erected. And now, as I understand that the religious trial of Drs. Beyer and Rosen has been taken up by the Privy Council and settled in an unexpected manner, and as this will probably be talked about here and there during my absence, therefore, in order to break the force of the malicious comments, which will probably issue from the mouths of certain persons, prompted by their stupidity and interior perverseness, it becomes my duty in the interest of this matter to make known to you what I have in the enclosed document [Swedenborg's letter to the King, see letter of May 10, 1770] submitted to his Royal Majesty.
"Two gentlemen of the Supreme Court of Appeals [Justiciae Revisionen] told me that the Privy Council was the pontifex maximus in religious matters. At the time I did not make any reply; if, however, they should repeat this statement to me, I should say that far from being the pontifex maximus, they are simply the vicarius vicarii pontificis maximi, since Christ, our Savior, is alone pontifex maximus; that the Houses of the Diet are His vicarius, and therefore are responsible to Him, and that the Privy Council is the vicarius of the Houses of the Diet, and only as such has plenipotentiary power; and consequently it is the vicarius vicarii pontificis maximi. The Roman Pope's styling himself pontifex maximus is due to arrogance; for he claims and takes upon himself all the power of Christ our Savior, making the people believe that he is Christ on earth.
"Every lesser pontifex or every vicarius pontificis maximi ought to have his consistory. The Houses of the Diet have theirs in the reverend House of the Clergy; the Privy Council has its especially in the universities; but in the settlement of the present matter it has made the Consistory of Gottenburg its consistory, to whose opinions it is said to have adhered verbatim; without being aware of the fact that this trial has been the most important and the most solemn that has been before any council during the last 1700 years, since it concerns the New Church which is predicted by the Lord in Daniel and in Revelation, and agrees with what the Lord says in Matt. 24:22.
"I have not yet received any answer from the Privy Council; this matter has been before it once, when it was resolved to postpone it until those members of the council, who had previously examined it, should return.

"Em. Swedenborg.
"Stockholm, July 23, 1770."
* Documents Concerning Swedenborg, Vol. 2, pp. 380-381. See also pp. 378-389.

LETT 22.
22. Letter to Dr. Beyer,* April 30, 1770

"Reverend Doctor:
"I received your letter dated March 18, together with a copy of the one which you submitted to His Royal Majesty [Document 245, O]. You mention also that information had reached Gottenburg of a resolution which had been projected in the Privy Council; the subject, however, was reconsidered, after a copy of the letter which I had written to you [Document 245, R] was sent to Senator Ekeblad and the Chancellor of Justice, and the final result is contained in the letter addressed by the Chancellor to the Consistory of Gottenburg [Document 245, T], of which you will kindly let me have a copy.
Had they retained the first project, according to which Swedenborgianism was not to be talked of or mentioned in conversation, when yet it signifies the worship of the Lord, what would have been the result, but a fear in the Clergy to speak about Christ and His care of humanity; for by so doing they would in this case have run the risk of a public admonition, for supporting 'Swedenborgianism,' and in consequence thereof Christianity would have declined in Sweden, and the country would have lapsed into Socinianism, and finally into heathenism, as may be concluded from Matt. 12:30, and Mark 9:40. Such an offspring would have been born from the first project. For this reason also, when certain clergymen of this town, who are animated by a genuine zeal, first heard of this report, they were astonished, thinking that thus Christianity would die out in our country. I have heard that the bishop and many members of the venerable House of the Clergy expressed themselves handsomely at the Diet upon the doctrines, discussed there.
"Nothing of what the Consistory submitted against my writings has been communicated to me, so that I am totally ignorant of what passed in the Privy Council.
"Next June I will travel to Amsterdam, where I intend to publish the 'Universal Theology of the New Church.' The worship of the Lord is the foundation therein, and if upon that foundation the true house or temple be not built, others will erect upon it lupanaria or brothels.
"With respect to the dragonist spirits, they are all removed far away to the south, where certain places are assigned to the learned, to each his own cell, where they may confirm themselves in justification by faith alone, and those who confirm themselves therein by the Word of God, depart thence into a desert, and so on farther; and the rest, after making their escape, receive no homes; whither they direct their way, I do not yet know; in heaven there is no place for them. Their fate will be, as described in Apocalypse Revealed (n. 421). But the abyss which is described there is now removed farther towards the south, as has been observed.

"I remain with all friendship and trust,
"Your most obedient servant,
"Em. Swedenborg"
"Stockholm, April 30, 1770."
* Documents Concerning Swedenborg, Vol. 2, pp. 369-370

Лишь после возрожденья своего человек впервые обретает свободу, пребывая до этого момента в абсолютном рабстве, ибо в рабстве он, пока им правят похоти и заблужденья, потому что свобода есть владычеством стремлений ко благу и к истине. (AC 892)
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Виталий Сардыко   Конец мира пост-христианских церквей?   14.11.2008, 14:55
Васильев Александр   Re: Конец мира пост-христианских церквей?   16.11.2008, 0:44
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Дмитрий   Re: Конец мира пост-христианских церквей?   19.11.2008, 19:09
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Дмитрий   вот очень хороший анализ: http://www.utro.ru/meg...   24.11.2008, 0:54
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Виталий Сардыко   2Дмитрий Вот аналог этой статьи: http://www....   24.11.2008, 12:12
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Николай Афанасьевич  

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